Basque Biobank

Osakidetza Eusko Jaurlaritza

Galdakao H

The technical staff that make up the team at the Galdakao-Usansolo Hospital are as follows:



DNA Bank:

Basque Center for Transfusions Human Tissues
Hospital Galdakao-Usansolo. Barrio Labeaga s/n
48960 Galdako (Bizkaia). Spain
Phone: +34 944 007 256


Tumour Bank:

Edificio Anatomía Patológica. 2ªPlanta .
Hospital Galdakao-Usansolo
Labeaga auzoa, s/n.
48960 Galdakao (Bizkai). Spain
Phone: +34 944 007 014 ext: 3081

The News of the Biobank Collections

The Basque Biobank in the media