Scientific Director
Roberto Bilbao Urquiola
The Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research
Torre del BEC
Ronda de Azkue, 1
48902 Barakaldo - Bizkaia
Tfno: 944 536 884 / 90
Fax: 944 560 465
- To ensure compliance with current legislation
- To maintain a record of all Biobank activities
- To guarantee the quality, safety and traceability of the data and biological samples stored in the Biobank and the procedures associated with the operation thereof.
- To draft, together with the Basque Biobank's operator, an annual activity report, which will be submitted to the authority that authorised creation of the biobank.
- To respond to any request for information from the BIOEF Board or Joint Commissions.
- To draft the Biobank's good practice guidelines.
- To draft the specifications report describing the characteristics of the collections, the inclusion criteria and purpose for which the collection has been formed, the means by which the historic collection has been collected and the information that can be associated with each sample.
- To deal with questions or complaints concerning the Biobank.