Basque Biobank

Osakidetza Eusko Jaurlaritza

PICCOLO RGB/NBI (WIDEFIELD) image collection


Figure: Examples of images and masks from the RGB/NBI dataset.


This dataset contains 3433 images from clinical colonoscopy videos, including white light and narrow band imaging (NBI) images, from colonoscopy procedures in human patients. It includes 76 different lesions from 48 patients. For each lesion, clinical metadata are provided.  


The PICCOLO Widefield dataset contains manually annotated frames of 71 lesions that have been extracted from 39 colonoscopy videos along clinical metadata. For each lesiom, the following metadata are available: 

  1. Provided by the gastroenterologist:
  2. Number of polyps of interes found during the procedure.
  3. Polyp identification.
  4. Polyp size (in millimeters).
  5. Paris classification.
  6. NICE rating.
  7. Preliminary diagnosis.
  8. Provided by the histopathologist:
  9. Literal diagnosis.
  10. Histological stratification.

The frames include white light images and narrow band images (NBI) in .png format. For each image, a binary mask has been created manually indicating the area that is a polyp within the image and binary mask indicating the black area of the endoscopic image (void), both in .tif format. In total, there are 3433 images with their corresponding polyp and void binary masks, with an approximate size of 3.2 GB. The dataset will be provided as a .zip. 

To access these images, it is necessary to fill out this form:

or to contact the Basque Biobank,  which will inform you of the conditions for access.

The use of the dataset is restricted for research and educational purposes and use for commercial purposes is forbidden without prior written permission.

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